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Who We Are
There are an estimated 900 million dogs on our planet. For this reason, we partner with the medical field to develop both economical and dyranomic solutions for common and age related ailments in canines, so as to ease and extend the quality of their remaining life. From the tiny Russian Terrier to the grand English Mastiff, it is our vision to see that these remedies are made accessible and affordable to all households worldwide.
Dyranomics, Inc. currently has minimal overhead and no wages, and to date it has been funded entirely with out-of-pocket funds. We at Dyranomics believe this is an important aspect of a true non-profit when your contribution goes directly to the cause that encouraged you to donate in the first place. We envision a world where economical canine hearing devices are as prevalent and readily available as those for hearing impaired humans.
Once the hearing device is developed, 100% of all net profits associated with the sale of the hearing devices will be contributed to the subsequent campaign. This funding process will continue into all subsequent campaigns until which time we have addressed and developed economical solutions to the most common of canine maladies, such that all income levels will be afforded the ability to provide the needed care for their canine companions so as to ease and extend the quality of the dog’s remaining life. With every dog owner’s involvement and participation a world like this for our dogs can be realized. We can definitely do this!

The Mission
If you are a dog parent or plan to become one, then at some point, as your dog ages you will be faced with various common canine maladies. As a pet parent, ensuring healthy aging in our companion animals is not only an obligation but can also be a huge source of stress and cost for you as the caretaker. Even with over 80 million dogs in the U.S., treating common ailments frequently present in our aging dogs, such as hearing loss, blindness, incontinence and heart disease, have limited economical solutions available, causing many of our cherished canines to be prematurely euthanized
Guide & the Plan
Dyranomics provides the pet parent with a platform to take control of their dog’s quality of life by endearing sponsors and encouraging every dog owner to become involved. If every dog parent donated $5, and encouraged others to do the same, all of the funds necessary would be available to develop the much needed economic remedies for most all of the common maladies that currently diminish the quality of life for our dogs.

The First Campaign
The first campaign on the Dyranomic horizon – sponsoring the development of a $200 canine hearing device readily available for your hearing impaired canine companion where existing hearing devices range from $3,000 – $5,000 and they are not readily available to all dog parents.
To make it easy for each pet parent or sponsor to make a donation, a partnership has been formed between Dyranomics, Inc., a 501c3, and CŌ Collars LLC (CŌ), that will provide two avenues for donors to make a contribution to the development of the hearing device.
1. Make a 100% tax deductible donation to Dyranomics, Inc.
2. Purchase your annual dog collar where $5 dollars from each collar sale is donated to Dyranomics, Inc. As such, your annual purchase of a dog collar can now be a means to an end to end the maladies of our own dogs.